119 $
Take your practice to the next level with our dynamic online classes for advanced practitioners. Challenge your body and mind with advanced asanas, dynamic flows, and specialized techniques designed to deepen your practice and expand your horizons.
8 h
Opportunity to connect with a community of dedicated practitioners and teachers, sharing wisdom, inspiration, and mutual support in a vibrant ecosystem of learning, growth, and transformation.
Continued growth and evolution in your yoga journey, embracing new insights, perspectives, and possibilities as you explore the limitless potential of the human experience.
Greater self-awareness and introspection, cultivating a deeper understanding of your inner landscape and the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit.
Enhanced physical and mental resilience, enabling you to navigate life's challenges with grace, equanimity, and inner strength.
Refinement of breath control and pranayama techniques, exploring advanced breathing exercises and energy management practices to enhance vitality, clarity, and inner harmony.
Deeper understanding of advanced yoga concepts, such as bandhas, mudras, chakras, and koshas, deepening your appreciation for the rich philosophical and spiritual dimensions of the practice.
Advanced proficiency in challenging yoga poses and sequences, attained through rigorous training, focused discipline, and ongoing refinement of technique under the guidance of seasoned instructors.
Whether you're at home, traveling, or simply don't have time to attend an in-person class, my online courses and classes allow you to practice yoga from anywhere in the world.
© Tayla Rees | Powered by Ross Media